17. sep, 2015

Be part in recreating SAAB history

by Trued Från SAABsunited 2015-09-17

You might remember a few years ago when there was a SAABSUNITED HISTORIC RALLY TEAM that competed in the Swedish Classic Rally to the Midnight Sun (Midnattssolsrallyt) I have driven 6 times in two different SAAB cars my Montecarlo V4 and the 99 TURBO RALLY CombiCoupe (Wagonback). In success and its opposite the team evolved over the years to involve drivers like Vladimir Antonov and Ola Strömberg. My ultimate goal has always been to get former Rally World Champion Stig Blomquist to take part in my team.

Now there is a possibility to manage to build a complete replica of Stigs car that he won the Swedish Rally (SNOW) in 1979 as the first Turbo powered car ever to win a “WRC” rally. I have spoken to Stig himself today and he is very interested and excited to do a SAAB comeback in both the Classic division of the WRC Rally Sweden and the Rally to the Midnightsun in 2016. That is 37 years after that fantastic victory.

Stig Blomquist is one of the last swedish super drivers of his generation who could pull off a victory in the classic rallies. But to do this I would need dedicated and interested sponsors who can appreciate and see the great value of getting the “Real” Stig out in a very real SAAB again.

To make this project into reality i believe it must take place next year. Stig is just like the rest of us not getting younger and the option to get a good car made does not happen every day. So if You or your business want to be part of recreating SAAB rally history now is the time. An estimate is that close to $300.000 is needed to make this project into a fantastic reality. All sponsor will of course get fantastic media coverage and lots of special benefits during the “ride”. There are a few possible surprises up the sleeve that is worked on as well.

Please contact me at trued1[at]icloud.com or call at +46709589632



Senaste kommentaren

26.01 | 16:44

Tack så mycket, jag trodde inte att detta var ledigt när jag startade sidan. Jag har läst om dig i Klassiker

25.01 | 20:34

Hej, kul att du håller Saab-andan vid liv.
Jag skapade uttrycket 1967 på Törnbloms
Annonsbyrå. Bästa hälsningar, Claes

27.05 | 18:02

Mycket trevlig dokumentär

27.05 | 15:27

Radiodokumentär om Saab
Lyssna på SAAB - personbilen som förändrade världen på Yle Arenan:

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